Do Light Therapy Caps Work? Shedding Light on a Promising Treatment

Posted by GEGARY

Do Light Therapy Caps Work? Shedding Light on a Promising Treatment

Do Light Therapy Caps Work? Introduction In recent years, light therapy has gained attention as a potential treatment for various conditions, ranging from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to hair loss. One form of light therapy that has gained popularity is the light therapy cap. These caps, equipped with LED lights, are designed to deliver specific wavelengths of light to the scalp, with the aim of promoting hair growth and improving overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into the science behind light therapy caps and explore their effectiveness as a treatment option.Understanding Light Therapy CapsLight therapy, also known as...

How to do bright light therapy for DSPS?

Posted by GEGARY

How to do bright light therapy for DSPS?

1.what's DSPS? Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS), also known as Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD), is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder characterized by a persistent shift in an individual's sleep-wake cycle. People with DSPS typically experience a natural tendency to fall asleep and wake up later than what is considered conventional or socially acceptable.In DSPS, individuals have difficulty falling asleep at a desired bedtime, often staying awake until the early hours of the morning. As a result, they struggle to wake up early in the morning and may experience excessive daytime sleepiness. Despite the delayed sleep schedule, the overall quality...

Red light therapy cap is good for Brain Health and Cognitive Function

Posted by GEGARY

Red light therapy cap is good for Brain Health and Cognitive Function
Red light therapy has been shown to have potential benefits for brain health. The red light therapy is believed to work by improving blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, stimulating the production of mitochondria, and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, all of which can help support brain function and cognitive performance.

Red light therapy for brain health typically involves the use of a device that emits red or near-infrared light directly to the head or scalp. This can be achieved using our red light therapy cap that covers the entire head. The therapy is typically administered for a few minutes to half an hour per session, several times per week.

Latest Pulsed Red Light Therapy Functions

Posted by GEGARY

Latest Pulsed Red Light Therapy Functions

Why would you want to pulse red light therapy, and how do you get it? This blog will explore the important aspects you need to know before purchasing a red light panel or photobiomodulation product that features pulsing. What is pulsing? Pulsing is typically a rapid "on" and "off" of a device. In contrast, most studies use continuous light therapy, simply meaning the light is "on" for the entire time of the treatment. Oscilloscope image of "continuous" wave - the light is simply "on" the entire time.   The pulse frequency refers to the the interval between the "on" time...

Clinically Proven SAD and green light therapy

Posted by GEGARY

Clinically Proven SAD and green light therapy

Light therapy has a long history of practice, dating back to when the Inca and many others worshipped the sun as a health-bringing deity. Later, Indian medical literature from 1500 BCE, Buddhist literature from 200 CE, and 10th-century Chinese documents all describe a treatment combining herbs with natural sunlight to treat non-pigmented skin areas. Skip ahead hundreds of years and scientists are still fascinated by the power of light. Research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in May of 2010 showed that by dynamically manipulating the color, duration and pattern of light, new therapies could play an important treatment role for...

the Functions of Color Light Therapy

Posted by GEGARY

the Functions of Color Light Therapy

Color Light Therapy, also known as chromotherapy, uses the visible light spectrum (i.e., the colors you see in a rainbow) to promote healing. First made mainstream by NASA’s medical application of red light, this type of treatment has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years.That said, color light therapy actually has a long history. Ancient healers across many different cultures understood that light (and color) could have powerful healing effects. As imbalances occur in our bodies, our cells can benefit from exposure to specific colors – helping them regain optimal function.According to chromotherapists, the human body is composed of...

Benefits of Blue Light Therapy Devices

Posted by GEGARY

Benefits of Blue Light Therapy Devices

Function of Blue Light Therapy Device Blue light is a part of visible light. It has a very important role in how our body adapts to light and dark cycles. Our modern lifestyle has increased our exposure to blue light, which gets a bad rap for straining eyes and disrupting sleep. But this natural wavelength of light isn’t all bad. Despite its negative effects, the adequate use of blue light has several therapeutic benefits. Keep reading below to learn more about blue light therapy.Blue light therapy can help clear up acne, treat sun damage and non-melanoma skin cancers, break down...

Benefits of Red Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Posted by GEGARY

Benefits of Red Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Light is essential for the development and health of every living species on this planet. In humans, natural light is necessary for vitamin D production and balancing the circadian rhythm.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, our bodies are severely under-illuminated. We spend so much time indoors under harsh artificial light looking at bright screens, but not enough time outdoors exposed to the natural light spectrum.  No wonder our circadian rhythm, sleep and energy levels are completely out of whack!  Luckily, there is a way to get more of the good light waves without drastically changing your lifestyle or even...

How does the SAD lamp work?

Posted by GEGARY

Light is the biggest external factor that controls our body clock. It influences our mood and energy throughout the day. Human bodies are programmed to run in sync with natural light of the sun. Our sad lamps mimic the color and brightness of the sun. They are an easy and effective way to getting exposure to bright light indoors. The light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and certain other conditions by exposure to artificial light. SAD is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time each year, usually in the fall or winter. During...

How to distinguish the high quality phototherapy lamp!

Posted by GEGARY

How to distinguish the high quality phototherapy lamp!

There are so many kinds of phototherapy lamps on the market, the difference of their price are relatively large, but the advertising is just similar, how to select? let's talk step by step: 1. Workmanship, Shape and Color: We can feel it by pictures, vedio, and even eyes and touch directly. 2. Function: the more, the better, but stable and easy to use. Now some therapy light take the alarm clock with sunrise and sunset simulation, adjustable brightness and color temperature, Rechargeable. which can also be used as a "wake-up light". such as this one:  New Wake-up Light Therapy Lamp But...

10 Ways to Select and Use Light Therapy!

Posted by GEGARY

10 Ways to Select and Use Light Therapy!

Sluggish from the winter blues? This could help get you off the couch. It may not just be the cold weather that is making you sluggish and want to hunker down on the couch with your best friend Netflix. Shorter days from early fall through winter can cause even your serotonin to hibernate in your neurons. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs in the fall to winter. People with "the winter blues" feel tired, less motivated, and sad, and they sleep more than usual. You’re more at risk for SAD if you’re a woman, younger,...

Healthy life begins from HERE

Posted by GARY GE

A large amount of bacteria adheres to foot causing beriberi, athlete's foot, tinea unguium and other disease Sweat and heat in shoes, warm and moistdevelop a perfect breeding ground for the microbes Poor physiological defense between toes and the soles of footPlus foot keratoprotein is a rich nutrient for bacteriaThereby promoting bacterial growthLeading to diseases such as beriberi, athlete's foot, tinea unguium Large number of microbes multiply, decompose keratoprotein together with action of lactic acid and carbamide shoes and toes give off rich foul odour multi-functional UVC germicidal lampsEmit 254nm ultraviolet ray Irradiate a series of microorganism like bacteria, germs Destroy...
