Benefits of Blue Light Therapy Devices

Posted by GEGARY

Benefits of Blue Light Therapy Devices

Function of Blue Light Therapy Device Blue light is a part of visible light. It has a very important role in how our body adapts to light and dark cycles. Our modern lifestyle has increased our exposure to blue light, which gets a bad rap for straining eyes and disrupting sleep. But this natural wavelength of light isn’t all bad. Despite its negative effects, the adequate use of blue light has several therapeutic benefits. Keep reading below to learn more about blue light therapy.Blue light therapy can help clear up acne, treat sun damage and non-melanoma skin cancers, break down...

Benefits of Red Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Posted by GEGARY

Benefits of Red Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Light is essential for the development and health of every living species on this planet. In humans, natural light is necessary for vitamin D production and balancing the circadian rhythm.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, our bodies are severely under-illuminated. We spend so much time indoors under harsh artificial light looking at bright screens, but not enough time outdoors exposed to the natural light spectrum.  No wonder our circadian rhythm, sleep and energy levels are completely out of whack!  Luckily, there is a way to get more of the good light waves without drastically changing your lifestyle or even...

How does the SAD lamp work?

Posted by GEGARY

Light is the biggest external factor that controls our body clock. It influences our mood and energy throughout the day. Human bodies are programmed to run in sync with natural light of the sun. Our sad lamps mimic the color and brightness of the sun. They are an easy and effective way to getting exposure to bright light indoors. The light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and certain other conditions by exposure to artificial light. SAD is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time each year, usually in the fall or winter. During...

How to distinguish the high quality phototherapy lamp!

Posted by GEGARY

How to distinguish the high quality phototherapy lamp!

There are so many kinds of phototherapy lamps on the market, the difference of their price are relatively large, but the advertising is just similar, how to select? let's talk step by step: 1. Workmanship, Shape and Color: We can feel it by pictures, vedio, and even eyes and touch directly. 2. Function: the more, the better, but stable and easy to use. Now some therapy light take the alarm clock with sunrise and sunset simulation, adjustable brightness and color temperature, Rechargeable. which can also be used as a "wake-up light". such as this one:  New Wake-up Light Therapy Lamp But...

10 Ways to Select and Use Light Therapy!

Posted by GEGARY

10 Ways to Select and Use Light Therapy!

Sluggish from the winter blues? This could help get you off the couch. It may not just be the cold weather that is making you sluggish and want to hunker down on the couch with your best friend Netflix. Shorter days from early fall through winter can cause even your serotonin to hibernate in your neurons. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs in the fall to winter. People with "the winter blues" feel tired, less motivated, and sad, and they sleep more than usual. You’re more at risk for SAD if you’re a woman, younger,...

Healthy life begins from HERE

Posted by GARY GE

A large amount of bacteria adheres to foot causing beriberi, athlete's foot, tinea unguium and other disease Sweat and heat in shoes, warm and moistdevelop a perfect breeding ground for the microbes Poor physiological defense between toes and the soles of footPlus foot keratoprotein is a rich nutrient for bacteriaThereby promoting bacterial growthLeading to diseases such as beriberi, athlete's foot, tinea unguium Large number of microbes multiply, decompose keratoprotein together with action of lactic acid and carbamide shoes and toes give off rich foul odour multi-functional UVC germicidal lampsEmit 254nm ultraviolet ray Irradiate a series of microorganism like bacteria, germs Destroy...

How Does Ozone Remove Odor?

Posted by GARY GE

One common question that people have about using ozone is exactly how an ozone machine is able to remove odors from houses, cars, clothing, etc.  To help answer the question I figured it was worth a quick mention here.  Basically, ozone removes odor by destroying the molecules, bacteria, and spores that cause unpleasant smells.  Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive molecule and is very quick to chemically react with particles that it comes into contact with in the air and on surfaces.  The extra oxygen atom in the ozone attaches itself to other molecules, chemically changing their structure to create...

Why do your feet stink? and how to do

Posted by GARY GE

Think of a hot, one day when you've been walking around an amusement park or skiing all afternoon. Oooh, — your feet have been in those sneakers a long time! On the car ride home, you decide to kick off your shoes. It feels good, but it smells bad. In fact,Everyone’s feet smell from time to time. But some people’s feet go beyond stinky and into the category of, “Throw your socks away and open a window!” Why Your Feet Stink? Dr. Jill Austin, a podiatrist at Advocate Medical Group in Aurora, Ill., says smelly feet are primarily due to feet sweat. There...

2018 word of the year is “Toxic”

Posted by GARY GE

  Oxford Dictionary has announced that "toxic" has been chosen as its annual "Word of the Year", arguing that it was "the sheer scope of its application that has made it the standout choice". Every year, the Oxford Dictionaries team debates over a selection of candidates, choosing the one that best captures the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year. Defined as ‘poisonous’ and with its origins in Greek (toxikon pharmakon, meaning ‘poison for arrows’), “toxic” has become a descriptor for the year’s most talked about topics. But you should pay more attention on your “Toxic” shoes: Do your notice...

Why does the UV-C Rays kill the bacterium, and How?

Posted by GARY GE

Anne Rammelsberg, a chemistry professor at Millikin University, offers this explanation: Ultraviolet (UV) light kills cells by damaging their DNA. The light initiates a reaction between two molecules of thymine, one of the bases that make up DNA. The resulting thymine dimer is very stable, but repair of this kind of DNA damage--usually by excising or removing the two bases and filling in the gaps with new nucleotides--is fairly efficient. Even so, it breaks down when the damage is extensive. The longer the exposure to UV light, the more thymine dimers are formed in the DNA and the greater the...

What Is Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation?

Posted by GARY GE

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a major risk factor for most skin cancers. Sunlight is the main source of UV rays. Tanning lamps and beds are also sources of UV rays. People who get a lot of UV exposure from these sources are at greater risk for skin cancer.Even though UV rays make up only a very small portion of the sun’s rays, they are the main cause of the sun’s damaging effects on the skin. UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells. Skin cancers start when this damage affects the DNA of genes that control skin cell growth.There are...